I’m Chris.

I work remote as a Staff Engineer focused on data.

Before tech, I spent 7+ years day trading stocks in NYC.

Like you, I value learning and growing in my career.

But I am also a dad of two kids, husband, avid reader, DIY project attempter, and simple human who wants lasting happiness.

I believe balance is the key to being the best version of your self over the long run.

I'm a multi-passionate individual on a mission to use AI for Intelligence Augmentation to maximize human potential.

Humans are remarkable in many ways and AI can not replace you.

But, AI can Augment your abilities to be more human.

Use the strengths of AI while you focus on creating, thinking, learning, and living.

Augment, Stay Human.

The Bits of Me

Emily Wapnick taught me I might be a multi-potentialite who loves to learn new things.

Here’s what I’m focused on currently:

AI in Your Second Brain

Discover how AI can supercharge your learning process.

I'm creating niche AI applications to support Augmented Learners.

By combining the latest AI research with Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) we can process more information and learn faster. We have the unprecedented opportunity become modern-day polymaths like history has never seen.

Think AI + PKM.

Adapting to AI as a Staff Engineer

I work remotely as a Staff Data Engineer.

Becoming an Augmented Engineer is how I'm adapting to AI at work.

While Gen-AI excels at coding and some technical tasks, our edge as engineers is in the uniquely human skills:

  • problem-solving

  • collaboration

  • storytelling

  • user empathy

Augmented Engineering is about leveraging AI for tedious tasks, freeing us to be more creative and human.

I'm investing my time into skills that AI can not replace.

AI in Trading

I was a day trader for 7 years in NYC. But trading has never left me.

It's a brutally tough game.

With my background as a trader, Staff Data Engineer, and now as someone playing with AI applications- I'm exploring AI-powered tools to find market edges.

I don't share trades or specific signals.

I might share insights on trading system design, trading mindset, and real-world applications—not as trading advice, but as a window into how I trade for myself.

Don't follow along to become a trader though - I'd advise against entering the field.

Balancing My Time to Enjoy Life

As a dad of two, I'm constantly balancing success and fulfillment.

I'm working on the concept of "Joyspan" -the sum total of moments spent in joy.

Time and money are two resources we need to balance.

The Joyspan philosophy balances money, time, and "joyskill" to maximize life satisfaction.

Building time-rich assets enable you to have more time to enjoy what's truly important in life - connecting with other humans.

As we all navigate this rapidly changing future remember to:

Augment, Stay Human.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer’s view in any way.

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Adapting to AI as a Staff Engineer. Using Augmented Intelligence in my second brain to learn faster. Former day trader sometimes ranting about money, time, and balance.


Augment, Stay Human. Staff Data Engineer adapting to AI. Former day trader. Dad of two.