Bits of Chris
Augment Stay Human
#7 - The 3 Key Factors You Control to Build Wealth through Investing for Beginners

#7 - The 3 Key Factors You Control to Build Wealth through Investing for Beginners

Mindset, Savings Rate, Asset Allocation

What if I told you that controlling just three factors could significantly increase your ability to build wealth?

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • The higher probability path to success in markets

  • How to shift your mindset to be a market winner in the long run

  • Why your Savings Rate is crucial

  • Rules of thumb for Asset Allocation

  • Basic return drivers of Investments vs Speculative Assets


This is not financial advice. I am not a financial professional. I do not know your personal situation to be able to offer advice. Before making any investment decision consider the risks involved and consult a financial professional.

Bits of Chris
Augment Stay Human
Supercharge your ability to think, learn, and create while amplifying your unique human strengths in the age of AI.
Augment Stay Human guides you to balance success with fulfillment.
🧠 Augmented Learning: AI systems in your second brain
💻 Augmented Engineering: Adapt to AI in tech
⚖️ 'Joyspan' Optimization: Balance success and fulfillment
As AI accelerates our world, those who augment and stay human will lead the frontier.
Use AI as augmented intelligence to think clearer, learn faster, and amplify your human potential.
Hi, I'm Chris - a multi-potentialite using AI to augment my learning, career, and life:
- AI in my second brain to think and learn faster
- Staff Data Engineer investing in AI-proof soft skills
- Former day trader using AI and data for a market edge
- Dad of two optimizing 'Joyspan' by balancing ambition with present enjoyment
Whether you're a curious learner, tech professional, or seeking life balance, let's make AI work for us.
Augment, Stay Human.