After a Decade WFH here is My 5 Minute Morning Mobility Routine for Remote Workers with Tight Low Backs and Bad Posture
Take what is useful, discard the rest
I sit too long at my computer everyday.
Yes, I know I’m supposed to take breaks and get up and blah blah blah. But when I’m in the zone and doing deep work, the last thing I want is some arbitrary timer breaking my state so I can “move more!”
Instead, what I do is this 5 minute mobility routine.
Tips to Make This Work
Like with everything in life, take what works for you and ignore the rest.
I am not a doctor, this is just what has helped me as a remote working software engineer who doesn’t take advantage of his standing desk enough.
Tips to make this work:
Consistency. Make this a habit like brushing your teeth and do it every day. Imagine two versions of you, the one that does this everyday for the next 5 years and then the one that doesn’t.
Screenshot this. Refer to the list and the linked videos in the first week. It will soon become internalized but until then, just be slower and follow along.
Spend more time on whatever feels good. Some days different movements will feel better. Hang out longer in those positions, there are no rules other than to do some mobility work everyday.
Add/Drop movements as you go. This routine is what I’ve accrued over the years. Modify it as you wish for your needs.
My 5 Minute Morning Mobility Routine
Every movement is for 5 reps on each side or held for 5 seconds. But again, do whatever feels right.
Stand up in mountain pose.
Chest opener for 5 reps.
Forward fold as low as you can, hold for 5 seconds.
On to the floor on all fours, Cat/Cow for 5 reps.
Fire hydrants, 5 reps each side.
Bird/Dog, 5 reps each side.
World’s Greatest Stretch, 5 reps each side.
90–90 Stretch, either hold each side for 5 sec or 5 reps each side.
Lay on to back, Glue Bridges for 5 reps.
Stand back up, drop into a deep squat to hang out as long as feels good.
My 3 Minute Evening Mobility Routine
Feel free to merge the two, no reason this needs to be separate. But I find time in front of the TV or when the kids are taking too long to put pajamas on for bed.
Happy Baby Pose, 5–20 seconds.
Laying down Spinal Twist, 5–20 seconds each side.
Runner’s Lunge, move around in the stretch, lean into what is tight.
Pigeon Pose, 5–20 seconds.
Bonus, if my lower back is really tight
I get a lacrosse ball and do this:
and this: