Bits of Chris
Augment Stay Human
#25 - Why Full-Time Employees Should Be Part-Time Creators

#25 - Why Full-Time Employees Should Be Part-Time Creators

It will grow your career and your confidence

Full-Time Employees can indirectly grow their careers and by creating content Part-Time.

Even if the content has nothing to do with your industry.

Part-Time creators are free to explore, learn, and enjoy without the pressure of making money.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • My struggles with finding a niche

  • Why Part-Time Creators don’t need to worry about a niche

  • Four Reasons Why Full-Time Employees Should be Part-Time Creators

    • Writing improves your thinking

    • Learning in public forces you to learn deeper

    • Online content is a magnet for like minded folks

    • Build confidence to share your ideas

  • What advantages Part-Time Creators have over Full-Time Creators

  • 3 steps to get started

Bits of Chris
Augment Stay Human
Supercharge your ability to think, learn, and create while amplifying your unique human strengths in the age of AI.
Augment Stay Human guides you to balance success with fulfillment.
🧠 Augmented Learning: AI systems in your second brain
💻 Augmented Engineering: Adapt to AI in tech
⚖️ 'Joyspan' Optimization: Balance success and fulfillment
As AI accelerates our world, those who augment and stay human will lead the frontier.
Use AI as augmented intelligence to think clearer, learn faster, and amplify your human potential.
Hi, I'm Chris - a multi-potentialite using AI to augment my learning, career, and life:
- AI in my second brain to think and learn faster
- Staff Data Engineer investing in AI-proof soft skills
- Former day trader using AI and data for a market edge
- Dad of two optimizing 'Joyspan' by balancing ambition with present enjoyment
Whether you're a curious learner, tech professional, or seeking life balance, let's make AI work for us.
Augment, Stay Human.